Saturday, 29 September 2007

unexplained phenomenon

u know one of those times when u're with friends, just hanging out doing nothing at all, n then all of a sudden one of u start laughing away inexplicably, and then the rest join in?

well that happened to me recently. there was no reason at all. one minute me n law were sitting at his balcony smoking a cigarette, the next moment we just started giggling away for no apparent reason at all.

good thing we managed to capture the moment.

drug addicts. inspiration by russell peters.

yes, smoking helps to clear ur mind n calm u down

welcome to marlboro country

too bad didn't get us to help them in their smoking campaigns.

i am most susceptible to a giggling spell when i'm so tired i can't think straight. anyway we had loads of fun throughout that particular cigarette session.

Monday, 24 September 2007

pressure point

ever since i've gotten my class 3 license my father's been pressurizing me to get rid of the bike in exchange for a 3 year old hand-me-down altis which has trouble taking off from naught. he came up with all sorts of reasons, from safety factor to status. wft... if u wanna talk about status, just wat the hell is so glamourous about a CHAMPANGE GOLD corolla altis? n u're asking me to give up the dna for this shit? get real. if u wan me to give up riding at least try dangling a euro r or tt in front of my nose. but that's just me.

even if i sell the dna, which i wun, i'll get a cbr1000 or monster in the future, which will disappoint my parents all the more when they find out. i am not intentionally trying to spite them. this is just... me.

i come with the bike, it's a package. u can't have one without the other. my mum must have been scared by a bike when she was carrying me.

the idea of riding a bike is my life. it's all i got to escape from this troubled world sometimes. nothing can do for me wat a bike can. it's not about the bike. it's the passion they're asking me to give up. they will never understand.

我一个人站在 放眼无记的荒原
看着地的尽头 天的边缘看不见
我一个人等待 经过无限的时间
感觉所有回忆 旋转围绕我身边
我还 记得当初 曾经和你 一起走到 这个地方
静静躺在 彼此身旁 看着月亮 等着太阳
我说从此 这一颗心 再不会有 别的方向
你也承诺 将我双手 紧握着不放
然而现在 你我走过 多少时间 更替轮转
同样地方 却已换上 不一样的景象
现在回当在天空的 只有我悲凉的吶喊

Ho-Hi-Ya Ho-Hi-Ya
天晴郎 天蔚蓝 我的心 好黑暗

冷风吹在我的耳边 吹得让我不能听见
听见你说过的誓言 已经消失在这荒原
冷风吹皱一片水面 唤醒沉睡着的时间
隐约看见你的容颜 只是眼神已经改变

Monday, 17 September 2007


today's duty ended early, so reached home at 2pm. saw some dirt marks on the preferred mode of transport, so decided to clean it. but just before the cleaning started something else caught my eye...


i suddenly realize just how biased humans really are. they have women rights, children rights, even animal rights, but no one ever said anything about insects... are they so insignificant they aren't considered living things?

my point is that i do feel sorry for these seemingly inconsequential little life forms that they aren't treated any better. anyway i wasn't aiming for it. it was just pure bad luck for it that this happened.

this dude wasn't the only one that was discovered. there was another, but it was too small for the lousy camera phone to focus on, even in macro mode. it couldn't even be properly remembered. makes me realize that to most of the world's population, anybody outside of their immediate family n friends carries no more weight than the above mentioned.. that's wat u get for being the selfish bastards that u all are.