once the exams are over i'm going to take some time off and maybe get into film exploration.
i'll probably go along the lines of lonely planet, video version. no destination, no rush, just pure exploration and go where my finger points to on the map. the only restriction would be my financial budget; maybe $100 per trip, i'll have to work that out when those pesky papers are out of the way. seriously, what are they but an imposition of regulations, immortalised by our self-supremacy syndrome, hindering us all, and worthless in evolutionary terms? hear that? nature's laughing at us.
anyway, tangent aside, it'll be compressed two- or three-day documentaries of visits to different countries, with chunks of hurl-inducing scenes and bundles of unadulterated explicit commentary. i'll probably need a fellow explorer, and if it's successful maybe i'll make it a regular event.
leave all "escape from it all" notions at the door people. these ain't relaxing trips i'm talking about here. there are only three certainties: whoever goes with me will suffer, whoever goes with me will suffer, and whoever goes with.... fuck it, you get what i mean.
this'll all come after my korea trip though, so i've plenty of time to plan it. with the provision i do not fritter away said resource.