someone keyed my mom's audi right in our street last night. she just told me and i've seen the damage. it was quite extensive and probably requires a fair bit of paint repair. for the person responsible, i'd like to take this opportunity to.
there are two reasons i can see that would have caused you to do such a thing:
1. your ego has been rather damaged because you've been raped by too many such cars and feel like a well-worn fuckdoll for cars such as those i drive. which means you drive a shitbox and/or you don't have the gonads for proper driving.
2. you can't afford a nice little euro. because the scratches were obviously inflicted by a sharp key, which aren't really common in good, proper cars anymore. which means you're rather financially challenged and the best you can do is that shitbox of yours.
in the first case you're a sad little fucktoy with no balls who has to scuttle around at night doing childish little things like scratch cars. in the second case you're a sad little scuttling fucktoy with no balls and no money. if you're both cases you're seriously fucked.
you know, i understand. it's your way of lashing out and releasing the pent-up anger at being raped by all those cars out there. i know because my main ride, depending on weather and mood, is a 40 year old car which wheezes at 45mph and i'm constantly cut by these people myself. but yeah i know, it can't possibly be the same because you can't possibly afford a classic and unlike you i'm not confined to a single car. you're more likely a chery or chana or something, constantly bullied by people who probably can't register what they've just raped. and can't be bothered in any case.
people like me, in other words.
people like me, in other words.
lol! i mean awww..
we'll just drop the audi at a paint shop when we're free and it'll be good as new. hell, we might even change the colour, so thanks. on the other hand, you're still going to be a sad little fuck with no money and no balls, and will likely stay that way. i'm not kidding. if your only chance to get back at somebody's car is when its engine is off, you're really a pretty fucking sad person, and a fucking bad loser as well.