Saturday, 1 February 2014

magma topics (at this moment. roughly.)

hi blog. i haven't written anything in here for a while so i guess i'll just start and end at random.


i've noticed the recent anton casey fiasco shot some keyboard warriors to fame because of the politically-charged monkey shit they've been throwing at each other. well good for you, hope y'all got all the digital brownie points you've ever desired. maybe they'll be worth a bitcoin or something in the future.


another piece of crap worth mentioning here, this k-pop contestant who's not proud to be singaporean. it seems everyone has something to say about everyone else, too.

k-pop contestant: i'm not proud to be singaporean.
critic: what! how dare you?! what's wrong with this country! i'm trying to be reasonable here by not ripping your head off you bitch so you take what you said back!
critic's critic: hey back off! she's entitled to her own opinions! i'm being reasonable here too because i'm not calling you names so you back the fuck off or THOU SHALT INCUR THE WRATH OF ALL MY FACEBOOK FRIENDS WHO AREN'T AFRAID TO BANG ON THEIR KEYBOARDS! I AM HOLIER THAN THOU!!!
critic's friend: now we're playing facebook friends? i have fifty million friends so leave critic alone! i'm being reasonable here because i haven't called you names yet, but i will because i'm not above some keyboard banging myself! and if you really piss me off I'LL STALK YOUR FACEBOOK PAGE AND MAKE YOUR LIFE A LIVING HELL! I AM MIGHTIER THAN THOU!!!

so, are you actually going to get physical an break one another's neck or something? because this non-name-calling-and-actually-thinking-that-makes-you-the-better-keyboard-fucktard shit is getting real old. if no one's benefitting off this exchange let's all call it a day and have an early night, eh?


someone told me this country is becoming a drama mama because of the riot, katana-totting mrt rider, kidnapping and other happenings. now, that i love.