Wednesday, 30 December 2009

your point?

golf; only the rich play it.

indeed? because if you take away the masters, of which there are few anyway, what is it but a perfect waste of time for retards? think about it, you take a very big plot of land, plant some grass and dig some dunes, and you end up with some immaculately manicured grassland where people chase little balls with metal sticks all day.

and then you can't help but wonder if you could have better utilised that plot of land.

golf; only for twats.

attended a wedding dinner with my father.

it went down like this: my mom insisted a friend invite her to said dinner, and then had the good grace to be in milan on that day. and where else would trist and renne be but there with her? therefore i was stuck with the duty.

i devised a plot involving swine flu and a broken leg and almost got away with it. but dad insisted on being a responsible man.
"我跑不掉, 你也別想跑!"

but i was just getting to the good part.

there were:
2 x grads
1 x lawyer
1 x magnate
1 x magnate's son

all trying their fucking best to look/act prim and proper. words never spewed out too loud, smiles never stretched enough to show teeth, and they never took more than a single morsel of food from any dish. like it fucking matters after tonight, i thought. drop this shit act, no need to impress, we all know we're fucked up individuals.

my mom's friend? she's someone i was never really fond of, and i shall be nice and say i'm even less fond of her now. "那個是醫生! 那個是律師! 那個是做政府工的! 很利害 hor!" she introduced them as if she were their proud mother or something, but i couldn't help wondering why she introduced them from the safety of her own seat. maybe those people didn't know her. wow, what a turnoff.

the magnate tried to stuff his namecard into my hand. i couldn't just crush it right there so i put it into my jacket pocket. a jacket mom insisted that i bring through an international call. a jacket that i left on the back of my seat and almost forgot to bring home.

"father, 你知道我刚才為什麼一直對那些人笑嗎?"

he laughed because he thought the same.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

new name

i realised too many people know my blog address, which when i think about it is not such a good thing.

i have therefore changed it to thus and shall give it to those who are close enough to ask.

if i told you i've deleted my blog then you'd know you be that irrelevant someone(s).

you wouldn't know actually, but it's not like i seriously give a shit.


weird, isn't it, how sometimes you wouldn't mind some people looking through your periodicals, but when some become too many you become paranoid that your sanctuary's been breached?

heh. the philosophical side's coming out again.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

hilarious phonecall

i was reading in my favourite (only) chair enjoying the inadequately chilled air in my room and trying unsuccessfully to picture myself back in korea when i was assailed by the ringer.

hello, i said. and all i heard was incoherent yammerish.

"hellsdoifsofsonvos;iajfolisdhhngosahfiougvshrfdshrbdgr lucky winner noaknvjoasjhgnpoiwjfnmvhahnvlioef;lasjdnvhnvesgwsegsdfsh lucky draw xjonfsokajhsdfklns;la;oif;onf;lahfoiwr"

it took an average of two seconds to assimilate and comprehend each word, but they were coming too fast. i really tried, but i really couldn't understand anything. then i thought what's the point and tried something else; guffawing into and biting my hand to keep from chortling uncontrollably into the caller's ear.

and while all this was going on i was wondering how anyone could possibly still fall for such shit, considering the conwo/mens' bangladeshitty accents. well, shit, whoever gets conned probably deserves it.

"nah it's alright. i'm not interested."

and she hung up on me.

and i was finally able to laugh out loud.


Wednesday, 16 December 2009

pure joy

an onlineable computer at last.

actually the only computer i've seen since i had my passport stamped.

which was nine days ago.

Saturday, 14 November 2009


i'm blogging in lecture.

always wanted to do that.

not with a pink mini-lappie though.

Thursday, 12 November 2009


lesson starts in 16 minutes and i'm still printing notes at home.

decided to expend a cancer stick while waiting for the printer.

opened my bag to get the stapler to nail the notes together.

stapled my cigarette.

drank my java chip while still laughing at myself.

blew coffee onto the keyboard.

not laughing anymore.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


i fetched grandma to chinatown and drove past an accident site on the way home. a bike was lying on the road facing backwards and a car was stopped 10 meters after it. a classic case of retardism. happily there was a rozzer on site, trying to explain to the driver that he was a twat.

the very first thing that came to mind, though, was my zipper.

it's like this; the guy was dressed in the typical army peetee attire with flip flops, which got me thinking. what if i were to become a retard one day and hit one of my own kinsmen? would i be forced to stand at some center divider, exposed to public ridicule while the world drove by? something has to be done here.

no more berms with dynamic auto-engage drop-down zippers from now on.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

what's the world coming to

beep boop wanted the santa claus award.

i pondered over the list of possible recipients for five minutes.

because every person on the list represents multiple repercussions.

so my final choice was a one year old girl.

it's disconcerting.

Saturday, 24 October 2009

just checking in

i haven't checked in on any of my facebook surrogates in a long time. it's weird that i only remember shit like this during my examination periods.

yes i had the same thought last semester.

they're all crashing and burning. lol.

i'm going to save beep boop and hang the others. because he's still got that stupid apple on his head. looking good.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

of things to come

once the exams are over i'm going to take some time off and maybe get into film exploration.

i'll probably go along the lines of lonely planet, video version. no destination, no rush, just pure exploration and go where my finger points to on the map. the only restriction would be my financial budget; maybe $100 per trip, i'll have to work that out when those pesky papers are out of the way. seriously, what are they but an imposition of regulations, immortalised by our self-supremacy syndrome, hindering us all, and worthless in evolutionary terms? hear that? nature's laughing at us.

anyway, tangent aside, it'll be compressed two- or three-day documentaries of visits to different countries, with chunks of hurl-inducing scenes and bundles of unadulterated explicit commentary. i'll probably need a fellow explorer, and if it's successful maybe i'll make it a regular event.

leave all "escape from it all" notions at the door people. these ain't relaxing trips i'm talking about here. there are only three certainties: whoever goes with me will suffer, whoever goes with me will suffer, and whoever goes with.... fuck it, you get what i mean.

this'll all come after my korea trip though, so i've plenty of time to plan it. with the provision i do not fritter away said resource.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

printing "error"

somebody was upset at me for "slandering" one of his favourite cars of all time. somebody. i was ranted and raved at for nigh on ten minutes. there were only two ways i could avoid the conversation; hop off the car and kill us both, or crash it and kill us both. but god it was amusing.

therefore from now on, that car shall be known as the overhyped car. and in accordance to the witness protection program i shall not reveal the fact that yim was that somebody.

pointless accessories for an overhyped car

the most overhyped car of all time

not much of an improvement, if you ask me. i still think the r34's much better, more like a man's car. this one, well... like a transsexual's. heh.

oh well, as long as you're happy bro.

mistaken identity

the best way to post my pics is immediately after the shoot, while the pictures are still hot. it prevents backlogging, of which i am not fond.

parking lights

my main point of going shooting today was to capture some hasty shots of the wet market i grew up in before it disappeared forever. found out they were demolishing it when i flipped through the newspapers. i'd never gone back since i moved away, and it looked so much smaller tonight than my memory gave it credit for. then again the horizon looked a lot closer when i was 5 too.

and then i discovered from one of the stallholders that this market wasn't supposed to be closed; it was the one at hougang green. apparently i didn't read the article, only the headline. oh well, good training.

transport for the night/day

i bet god never fully appreciated his greatest creation. he never guessed we'd fuck so much, reproduce so rapidly and spread so far we had to destroy his other creations just for food and shelter.

and on the eighth day god said, "oops!"

Sunday, 11 October 2009


i came back from this year's super import nights and realised i'd neglected to upload last year's pics. it's not much, but at least i can see the improvement in the camera bodies. and skills, if any.

last year's

pointless accessories for an overrated car

overrated car

i love this kit


the chick

the bitch

the animals

my kids will get pillows, not these stupid glorified chairs that don't do shit.


this year's

that's a caterham 7. ubercool.

garage r's cool booth.

ariel atom

hottest taillight in the world

the bitch

the animals

stupidest bitchcar award

carb-fibe seat

carb-fibe toilet. yes.