now. why are the girl's nipples covered and the guy's exposed? what made this the norm? aren't they biologically identical?
nothing more than social conditioning, people.
the bra. many say its invention was a momentous event for women and a curse for men. i think it is a curse for men, but not in the conventional sense. the invention of the bra weaponised the female body and made it the fodder for all sexual, legislature, and political battlefields. by hollering for attention to the female body, women victimise themselves to the whole world and then say: "see? we're treated this way because all men are animals." then they go around demanding concessions, and we have no choice but to concede or be called chauvinist pigs.
i've seen girls prostitute themselves in front of cameras in a bid to impress guys. and then they wail when guys express their admiration, and call those same guys they're trying to impress pests. are you justified?
when we don't pay attention, we're branded as heartless bastards.
when we do pay attention, suddenly we think with our dicks and we only want one thing.
we're often called colourful names by the "gentler" sex; bastards, sex maniacs, perverts, etc, etc, etc, a million other names. but there're female sex maniacs too; they're called nymphs, or did you think they only exist in our private fantasies? so where do they stand on your holier-than-thou moral list?
just because us guys are more open to the word 'sex' doesn't mean we deserve unwarranted name-calling. society made us this way. how? by merely making sex a taboo subject. we, the more adventurous ones, choose to be curious and talk about it more openly. similarly, society made you think you're the moral superior. why? because you like to think it more than say it?
oh yes, studies out there say girls think about sex as often as, if not more, than guys. what do you make of that? but i'm not going to link them here because:
1. this is my blog, not an information vault.
2. i just cannot be fucking bothered.
how come you can be nonchalant about calling us bastards, but get offended when we call you bitches? what made 'bastard' a less explicit word than 'bitch'?
who's discriminating against whom now?
you scream for women's rights.
then you scream for equality in sexes.
next it's the glass ceiling.
and now you want to revisit the ladies-first era and expect us to pamper you, carry the bags and hold the doors open?
choose one camp, you fickle bitches. and be consistent about it.
we're not equal. we'll never be equal until you bitches get your shit together and stop acting like you're higher and mightier than us on the one hand and expecting piddly little gifts from us on the other.
this is for those women who think they're better than men in any way.
this ain't open to discussion. this is my blog therefore i am king. go wail in the straits times if you feel so inclined.
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