Tuesday, 4 October 2011


i didn't write anything last month so i'll make up for it with at least two this month.

i took the bike out for a night shoot some time ago and experienced the true reason i bought it last year. it was a combination of the quiet night and the empty roads that summoned this feeling.

it's not the engine, the handling, or the exhaust. those are what a bike needs. but what the Triumph is, what it really means to me, is freedom.

which is why i'll regret seeing it go in the very near future.

it's a great bike but i can't keep it around if all it does is make me feel alive once in a blue moon, while the rest of the time it just brings me stress and danger. it's diminishing returns. one of the many things i don't agree with in this country is the way people drive here. and i'm not going to keep late nights just so i can avoid these people of monstrous ineptitude.

i won't rant about the Triumph's abilities and what it's done for me; for those who don't understand it can't be explained, and for those who do there's no need to.

all you retarded motorists out there, go eat some shit.

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