Monday, 29 September 2008

drive of terror

brought the peugeot for its regular service today. the prescribed service package for 80,000km includes changing the timing belt, which requires a whole day, starting in the morning. ruined my slumber for that. took the cashcard back home with me to carry on my coma.

hitched a ride back there in the evening to get the car back.

entry title defined

at the service center, when i saw what was done to the car i practically jumped with joy. the service engineer changed the air-con filter(which was generally what kept the car above boiling point in the tropical afternoons) and gave me the new keys that i've ordered at least a month ago.

put the cashcard halfway into the iu so the carpark wouldn't double charge me and used the coupon that they gave me. free parking. woot!

while driving back home i came across a gantry. one meter from it i realized the card was still halfway outta the iu. passed the gantry just as i pushed the card home.

fucking hell, one fucking meter!! uber pissifying.

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