now i'm filled with murderous envy whenever i see a bike on the road. even a honda wave!! fucking sian, when i think about it. how come cars never manage to turn me on in this manner? mystery of my life.
i'm feeling the massive urge to get another bike right about now. already obtained a target and am fantasizing about the colour and helmet scheme. maybe a vespa this time, in metallic army green(complete with picnic basket and a mini-flag) with a matte army green osbe helmet, or a black monster with black helmet. oooh, the limitless options. heh.
à la bottom left

come to think of it, don't they all look nice?
and there's this mouthpiece attachment that essentially makes it a full-face helmet. cool, eh?

and there's this mouthpiece attachment that essentially makes it a full-face helmet. cool, eh?

i used to think i can't do without riding. now i know that for a fact.
but then i do have a small measure of control, so i'll get the bike after i've settled down in aussielia. where my dad can't crawl up my ass about it. heh heh.
right now i'm thinking about all the road trips i'm gonna make on my future bike, with my camera in my backpack, stopping whenever i fancy just to take pictures. good god, it's orgasmic.
if i ever think about selling my next bike, somebody slap me silly.
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