Friday, 24 October 2008


definition: turbulence ahead, buckle up!!!

this is it. the next fifteen days will mark the most stormy days of my life.

15 days of feverish studying - (4 X half-days of examinations)
= ecstatic jubilation OR crushing despair

but wait, it doesn't end here.

i've gotta factor in another 26 days of gruesome suspense while those in charge doodle over my papers before passing their inevitable judgment. and then it's a race against time to get the transcript shipped to me so i can ship it back to the schools that i've applied to before all the places are taken up.

so it's actually
15 - (4 X .5) + 26
= a little over a month of unstable confusion
= ecstatic jubilation OR crushing despair

IF ecstatic jubilation,
a little over a month of unstable confusion + god-knows-how-long-for-the-shipping
= multiple-orgasm

IF crushing despair....
i'll not think defeatist thoughts for now, plenty of time to torment myself later.

oh well, i'll take it one day at a time. at least for the first part.

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