Tuesday, 25 November 2008

"you're fucked"

i'm not going to australia this dec cause i've got no money for it.

my father's own words: you're not working, so you'll be going at my expense. if it's nothing important then why go? why waste so much money during a time of crisis? if you have a job and can buy your own ticket then go ahead, i have no problems with it. do whatever you like with your own money as long as it's not illegal.

i have no job because you insisted i study full time. you said i shouldn't even work part-time or i'd get distracted. time of crisis? didn't you just exchange the altis for another car? yeah, i believe your fucking time of crisis. if all you're concerned about is money why didn't you tell me earlier when something could still have been done? why drop this freight on me only in the final hour?

fine. i'll get a job, no problem. and then i'll buy a bike with my first paycheck and stop driving any of his fucking cars. if it rains i'll just put on my fucking raincoat. and i'll buy more bikes in the future. i'll get one car for groceries cause that's all they're fucking good for. and he better not make any noise about my bikes cause it's my fucking money.

you wanna play the fuck-thee-well game, i can play it as well. we'll see who gets fucked. i might eventually forgive, but i never forget.

and to think, i sold the dna all because i thought he'd think better of me. fucking wishful thinking is what it is.

fuck this shit.

Monday, 24 November 2008

me time

went for a photohunt last night. my day starts when the sun rises and ends when the sun sets. the time in between doesn't count because i'm in stasis mode. so my photohunt was actually two nights ago.

dawn or dusk?

ah, now we all know what speed they're supposed to be traveling

i was having so much fun leaning over the railing and taking photos. that is, until i looked down...

fuck, that was high... and vibrating whenever a heavy vehicle passed by didn't help things. nay, not one bit.

quick, before she turns around!

today me and bekev decided to go for a swim. i had just picked him up and was halfway to the condo when mum called.

mum: where you going?
me: swimming lo.
mum: where?
me: condo lo.
mum: don''t go up into the unit ok? we just rented it out last night.
me: wa! now then tell me...
mum: last night only mah.. don't go up ok?
me: ok lo.

so we decided to go to the new sport complex. after we got in we decided the place was too crowded with all the families, so we chose tampines safra next and that's $2 entry fee wasted by each of us. halfway there the sky started pissing heavily, so we decided to have lunch first. it was still pissing when we finished, so we engaged each other in a traditional game of risk.

i crushed him. heh heh.

my navy
we took maybe three turns each before he decided to end the game.

bekev: i don't wanna play already.
me: what! why?
bekev: look for yourself, you got all the cities, i might as well die now.
me(scrutinising the board): oh, ya hor... eh heh heh heh! but carry on leh, cb...
bekev: don't want! you think i don't know what's gonna happen next? i'm not going to let you have the pleasure of enjoying this!
me: lol!!

he's got no luck with the dice. we even tested it out on his iphone's built-in electronic dice. he got 1, 2, 3, 2, and so on. i got a 4 on my first try. that's the reason he lost the game, or so he claims.

well we did accomplish one thing today.

Friday, 21 November 2008


went to nus library with bekev. his exams are coming. i'm there to encourage him. if you read my blog don't kill me miss prawn.

our comfort food

my bag on the right, smallest in the whole library

earphones, snacks, drink, mag, dvd. i'm living on the beach.

bekev: can i have your life?
me: lol! where were you when i was suffering?
bekev: okay, never mind...

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

buddies in the service

i knew them from signal institute. they were the best bunch. and they're all indians.

jayson. he was riding an r1 while i was still under disqualification, and he always made sure i remembered it.

me: that's not the way to roll the wire, indian!
jayson: ya, but who's got the license?
me: ARGH!!!! you cb!!! i'll kill you!!!
jayson: lol!

yeah, i had the greatest time with that dude. and whenever we meet up for drinks at a chalet he'd never fail to bring up the one two years ago. i'd already chugged a few barrels and was screaming for more. he and his girl concocted one for me and i exclaimed "whoa this is good!" just before i passed out. next day the black bastard told me the cup he gave me only had green tea in it. we all had a good chortle over that one.

sidartha(or sidharta, or sidarta. i'm pretty sure it's one of these three). one time he tried to wake me up. he touched my shoulder once, and my eyes popped open and stared through him. "hey buddy, wanna go for a smoke?" "yeah, you guys go ahead. i'll catch up later." so, still groggy, i went to the toilet(our unofficial smoking corner) where he was already sitting with jayson. halfway through my stick, i commented "just now who woke me up ar, cb...", to which they looked at each other, sniggered and said "it was us la, you cock!"

jimit. like sid, he hated me back when i was ic for the first three days in the institute. because he thought i was a stuck up chinese bastard, and because i was always rushing the whole platoon with words of encouragement like "slowly take your time guys! don't fall down and oot(out of training)!" well it wasn't my idea to become the ic, the sergeant just happened to call for bunk 3 bed 3 and i just happened to be the dude. so anyway, he only realised i was such a slacker after i passed the baton over to the next unlucky guy and he started hanging out with my lazy ass.

alvindah. he was the heart of many jokes during our time together. it wouldn't have been so much fun without him. yup, he gave us a certain level of comfort. lol! that was our group's inside joke.

sameer. this one was the all time winner. he snapped some tendon in his knee during bmt, so he was limping by the time he came to si. the bastard had the gall to get his signal certificate one week before us all, pack his stuff, and leave camp. he reported once to his new unit and never went back again. we wondered what he would tell his offspring about national service. "it was great son! all the good times i had at home...."

alas, all good things must come to an end. i alone of the whole batch(of how many hundreds?) of trainees was posted to tekong where i was doomed to spend the rest of my army life. some of the others were lucky enough to be posted together.

well, at least we still meet up for the occasional chalet to eat, drink and be merry.

Monday, 17 November 2008


as i was going for my jog
i walked into my training bell
o broken skin and burstin blood
and now i broke my fucking leg

fine, i'll arrange my room.


on a separate note, take a look at what drivers do on a daily basis...


pretty eh? that's road conduct for you darling.

the saddest thing? most do not even realise it. or worse, they do not care. there's just no justice. thinking back, i should probably have taken it off the road and left it in the grass or something. weird that it didn't occur to me at that time.

oh yeah i remember. it did occur to me, and i also remember why i didn't do it.

i caught a noseful.

Friday, 14 November 2008


opera house + harbour bridge

the shortest hyatt i've ever seen

i think that's a row of cafes/eateries

these things are heart-shaped

each nut's bigger than my head

underneath the harbour bridge

yep, underneath.

full metal architecture

a plant!

my, what big sails you have!

i like these rims

found out that reflection pics actually look quite cool

unfriendly bird: 看什麼看!


kwak streetfighter. i realised they only need to display their numbers on the back.

holy shit!!!

it's an artwork

the old and the new

that staircase ends right at the brick wall

looks nice and clean right? it was not.

look at the size of that thing! is there space for airbags?



i've come to a wobbly truce with heaven. if it looks brighter in the afternoon i'll take my chances. if it pisses in the afternoon, i'll jog at night. if it pisses all day i'll just stay indoors and watch some dvds.

bastard tried to trick me into jogging today by filling only half the sky with clouds. but i'm smarter than that.