Tuesday, 26 August 2008

all my split personalities

today as i was driving home i came to a realization. two things made that realization possible.

1. i met a crazy bimmer

2. i met a crazy chery

was going about 90+... +++++ on the expressway when i came across a 5-series. said bimmer was driving a little erratically, first going on lane 2, then switching to lane 1, again and again. without touching the signals. then it got stuck behind a slower vehicle because i came up beside it. then it came a little closer to me and then swerved back into its lane suddenly.

then i came up on a qq. i never noticed it till it cut into my lane, again without the signals. yeah, it's that small. then i got a good look at the model and slowed down considerably.

because i suddenly had a visualisation: the qq brakes suddenly, i'm not quick enough to react, i hit the qq, the qq hits the car in front, the qq crumples up like a soda can, and i end up killing the driver because of his lousy choice in automobiles.

seriously, you'd do better taking a bus than driving a chery. check out these tests.

ok these ain't qqs but it sure brings home the quality of a chink car.

but think about this: the dummies would probably still be alive if they were in another car. bottom line, pay a little more for your own safety.

realization: each car i drive, i adopt its personality. when i'm in the 407, i look at jap cars and laugh at them. when i'm in the altis, people driving continentals give me a snobbish look. when i drive the mini, i don't even take other cars into consideration cause i know i can go faster than most of them. it never ends.

if i were forced to drive a car in singapore it'd be a continental of my choice. if i absolutely had to drive a chink car, i'd eat a bullet first.

i like to enjoy the good things in life.

ok this is more like a series of realizations.

funfact #1: been noticing lots of new nissan skyline gtrs around lately. what is this? buy one get one free? or is everybody trying to flaunt their wealth? we'll see how soon they appear on the second-hand market, eh?

funfact #2: i haven't touched my friendster and facebook accounts since ages ago.

funfact #3: saw a hummer yesterday. IN SINGAPORE!!! WTFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!

one day my mum was planning to go to town. halfway there she realized she didn't have a single cashcard. panicking, she stopped at a 7-11 to get one, only to find out they'd just run out. then the nice man next to her offered her his spare card. she took it gladly and paid him some money for it. that night i checked the car and found...

1 comment:

Astrotoy said...

that's a classic mom moment