i took a few days to walk around aimlessly. and take photographs of course.
the great march to town
the great march to town

then i saw the sky and thought: hmm, that's nice. so i took some photos.....
*click click*
*click click*

then i looked down from the sky. OHMYGOD!!! it was sitting right in front of me!! SMLJ!!! must've been blinded by the sun..

that's a ute. short for utility vehicle. much like pick-ups here. except they use V6 OR V8 ENGINES. and they look so much cooler!

lots of these in aussie. i actually wanted to get one here, then uberzhng it to hell. but they're so bloody old and overpriced there's no point at all.

branch #2: sorry!
branch #3: ouch! argh, stop jostling!
branch #4: but you're in my way!
trunk: quit arguing! everybody gets their fair share of sunlight!

that's their idea of a hump. it works very well. too well, in fact; you might slow down enough to get mugged/jacked/killed at night.

yeah, they can bid for it. like one time i saw an audi rs4 with "rs4v8" plus something else on it(6 characters, no more, no less). damn arrogant. but then i'd do it if i can too. hahah!!!
let's see... what are my options?
pokemon... no.
pikachu.... no.
chocobo... no.
what the hell, how come all the nice names have to be 7 letters?
ok i got it.

then i heard a roaring sound, and as i turned toward it my vision narrowed. i couldn't see anything else! what's happening to me?!
after the ordeal i went online to check out the symptoms.

then mm got off work and called me.
mm: where are you?
me: er... hold on, lemme check.
me: er... hold on, lemme check.
i looked around for the street name...
me: ok, i'm at wynyard st.
mm: WHAT?!?!
me: wynyard street lo.
mm: you walked here?
me: ya, why?
mm: stay there, i'll be there soon.
****************mm: WHAT?!?!
me: wynyard street lo.
mm: you walked here?
me: ya, why?
mm: stay there, i'll be there soon.
when mm's colleagues found out they were impressed too, but then i didn't think it was that big a deal.
until i saw the distance from google maps. must have been outta my mind..
until i saw the distance from google maps. must have been outta my mind..
ok this one was actually taken in coogee, but then i didn't put it in. now i'm thinking that's a waste so i'm putting it here.

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