Friday 29 August 2008


there's this girl bekev, latinsnake and i know who just loves to chat on the phone. thus far i've been spared because she only knows bekev's and latinsnake's numbers.

that is, until 1am this morning.

phone rang.

me: hello?
she: hey bear, guess who i am?
me: so easy, you're m lor. eh you strong leh, how you know my number?
she: lolol....
me: i'm not kidding, i wanna know so i can kill him.
she: like that ah, ben lor....

so we(actually it was all her) chatted for another 20min before she let me off.

i immediately texted both bekev and latinsnake.

me to latinsnake: ben............... u chiam me....................
me to bekev: bro.................. ben chiam me big time................... he gave m my number......................
latinsnake to me: No i promote u 2 daddy 2. Lol!
bekev to me: Haha. Daddy part 2!
me to latinsnake: waaaaaaaa................! mai ah ni leh.....
me to bekev: waaaaaaa.............! noooooooooo!!!

and thus ends my days of safety...

Thursday 28 August 2008

caution: explicit content ahead

on my way back from town today i suddenly came upon a very heavy jam on the expressway. this one was really bad, enough to make me swear. then as i rounded a corner i found out the reason for the jam.

it was 10.29. everybody was stalling for that one minute. on every lane.
to save.

i looked farther ahead. there was absolutely no traffic beyond the fucking piece of shit gateway.

remind me again, what're they there for? to regulate traffic? fucking load of bullshit.

so anyway, with the clock still on 10.29, i thought: fuck it all, i'll just go ahead.

so on i went, moving ever closer to the piece of shit gateway. the digital clock disappeared from over my windscreen. i stopped looking at it and concentrated on the road.

the piece of shit gateway was still 5 meters away when the ultraviolet light switched off.



all those cheap bastards were now stuck behind other cheap bastards! it was a fucking cheapshit promenade, all right behind me.

fucking retards. i cannot believe the extent they'd go... to all you people who slow down in the name of saving money, i say this from the bottom of my heart.

go take a bus, fucktards.

Tuesday 26 August 2008

all my split personalities

today as i was driving home i came to a realization. two things made that realization possible.

1. i met a crazy bimmer

2. i met a crazy chery

was going about 90+... +++++ on the expressway when i came across a 5-series. said bimmer was driving a little erratically, first going on lane 2, then switching to lane 1, again and again. without touching the signals. then it got stuck behind a slower vehicle because i came up beside it. then it came a little closer to me and then swerved back into its lane suddenly.

then i came up on a qq. i never noticed it till it cut into my lane, again without the signals. yeah, it's that small. then i got a good look at the model and slowed down considerably.

because i suddenly had a visualisation: the qq brakes suddenly, i'm not quick enough to react, i hit the qq, the qq hits the car in front, the qq crumples up like a soda can, and i end up killing the driver because of his lousy choice in automobiles.

seriously, you'd do better taking a bus than driving a chery. check out these tests.

ok these ain't qqs but it sure brings home the quality of a chink car.

but think about this: the dummies would probably still be alive if they were in another car. bottom line, pay a little more for your own safety.

realization: each car i drive, i adopt its personality. when i'm in the 407, i look at jap cars and laugh at them. when i'm in the altis, people driving continentals give me a snobbish look. when i drive the mini, i don't even take other cars into consideration cause i know i can go faster than most of them. it never ends.

if i were forced to drive a car in singapore it'd be a continental of my choice. if i absolutely had to drive a chink car, i'd eat a bullet first.

i like to enjoy the good things in life.

ok this is more like a series of realizations.

funfact #1: been noticing lots of new nissan skyline gtrs around lately. what is this? buy one get one free? or is everybody trying to flaunt their wealth? we'll see how soon they appear on the second-hand market, eh?

funfact #2: i haven't touched my friendster and facebook accounts since ages ago.

funfact #3: saw a hummer yesterday. IN SINGAPORE!!! WTFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!

one day my mum was planning to go to town. halfway there she realized she didn't have a single cashcard. panicking, she stopped at a 7-11 to get one, only to find out they'd just run out. then the nice man next to her offered her his spare card. she took it gladly and paid him some money for it. that night i checked the car and found...

Friday 22 August 2008


now, of all times?!?!

i am pissed.

maybe the best way to travel is underground huh? it's free from all natural disasters known to man.
except maybe earthquakes, volcanoes and shifting tectonic plates.

wish the world would come together and start digging a worldwide underground tunnel system to create a better mode of transport, à la stel pavlou's decipher. great book, love it. everybody go read it! oh by the way, whoever borrowed mine and didn't return can fucking go eat shit and rot in hell.

well, economically speaking, that would create millions of jobs in every nation. and most of the third-world countries, with their substantial labour force, would stand to gain the most outta this.

waiting for the world to start taking some action.

but before that, gotta wait for the first-world countries to get their collective haughty heads outta their collective pompous asses and stop trading insults and missiles first.

a rather long wait, i presume...

Thursday 21 August 2008

i love commercial law!!

.............. meaning of the doctrine of precedent ........... explain clearly in your own words, giving examples to the different aspects .............. include in your answer any advantages or disadvantages of this doctrine.

the doctrine of precedent is developed to ensure some form of consistency in the decisions made by judges. there are two forms of precedents, the binding precedent and the persuasive precedent.

binding precedent occurs when a decision made by a higher court must be followed by a lower court. the facts of the cases must be substantially similar.
for example, if a serial killer in the blue mountains is caught, and if his methods are similar to another serial killer apprehended previously in sydney central, then the sentence given to the blue mountains killer should be similar to the sentence given to the sydney central killer.

persuasive precedent happens when the decisions made by courts in other jurisdictions or a lower court in the same hierarchy serve to influence the decisions made by the higher court. these precedents are only guidelines and the higher court need not conform its decisions to them.
again, take the serial killer scenario. for ease of reference, the serial killer from the blue mountains will be referred to as BM, and the sydney central dude will be called SC. now, if SC killed three people before being apprehended, he'll get a sentence of maybe 10 or 20 years. but if BM killed 15 people before getting caught, his case will obviously be held in a higher court, and he will probably get the death sentence or life imprisonment. this is because while both cases are very similar, BM's sentence will be far more severe, because his crimes are far more serious in magnitude.


that's the closest i can get to replicate what i wrote, but the essence is there.

pity they don't let us get back our test papers. i'd have framed this one.

boy, i really hope the person who marks my paper has a healthy sense of humour...

Tuesday 19 August 2008

what the fuck...


- A certified copy of at least one full-time year of study from your current institution, with a minimum percentage average score of 70.

hello, that ain't possible, judging from the transcript of my previous semester, which i already sent to them in my first application letter!

just what the hell do they want from me?

ok i'm not being fair. i know exactly what they want. they want me to get rocket scientist grades for this semester before they're willing to consider my application.

but i don't care. whatever grades i get, i'm still gonna send the acceptance letter.

fine. i'll apply to the others and see what they say. spread the eggs a little..

Sunday 10 August 2008


had an overwhelming urge to type something. hence.

lazed around home the whole day and never got anything done.

taking down the song in the blog cause what's the point of putting it there when even i click the pause button?

and i love the discovery channel "i love the world" theme ad. very cool.

Saturday 9 August 2008


went clubbing with the guys just now.

whatever happened during the clubbing wasn't important. it was what bekev said on the ride home that said it all..

what if i really get to study in sydney?

what if at the same time i find out i've got lung cancer and have only one month to live?

would that be fair?

to me?

to my loved ones?

i've decided to quit smoking. i don't really need it anyway.

Tuesday 5 August 2008

while i'm procrastinating...

i may as well reminisce, eh?

i took a few days to walk around aimlessly. and take photographs of course.

the great march to town

see anything familiar?

saw the r8 and couldn't resist..

then i saw the sky and thought: hmm, that's nice. so i took some photos.....
*click click*
*click click*

then i looked down from the sky. OHMYGOD!!! it was sitting right in front of me!! SMLJ!!! must've been blinded by the sun..

used cars. hundreds of them.

that's a ute. short for utility vehicle. much like pick-ups here. except they use V6 OR V8 ENGINES. and they look so much cooler!

the very first hummer i saw there. after that day i saw loads more.

love them. something about them just oozes of manliness.

a whole big park full of nothing

this was taken right beside a very busy road. looks serene, though.

vw golf(on truck) vs hyundai i30(in poster). uncanny resemblence...

the mazda sp23. sport version of the mazda 3 i think. not available here.

stopped at a gas station for lunch. they've got fast food diners in them.

they don't call it burger king

hahahaha!! love this one!

many new apartments coming up. maybe i'll get one here...

nneeeeeeeehhhhhhh......... i'll live at the beach. woohoooo!!

lots of these in aussie. i actually wanted to get one here, then uberzhng it to hell. but they're so bloody old and overpriced there's no point at all.

tree of confusion
branch #1: oooph! u're poking me!
branch #2: sorry!
branch #3: ouch! argh, stop jostling!
branch #4: but you're in my way!
trunk: quit arguing! everybody gets their fair share of sunlight!

that's a man's vehicle. damn cool.

now that's a vintage

row of shops

bus stop

one of many 1-series in aussie

that's their idea of a hump. it works very well. too well, in fact; you might slow down enough to get mugged/jacked/killed at night.

another 121

yet another

small playground. small even by singapore standards.

looks more like some nighttime meeting room for the local hoodlums

what's this? a bimmer 3-series hatchback? suv?

this is cool

but look at the rear wheel. hahahaha!!

most cars seem to only come in white

bike servicing cafe. nice idea.

sip coffee while your bike is getting serviced. what could be better?

saw this parked outside. many many many monsters in aussie. i wanna get one too..

very near to town now

yay! here i am!

in australia nobody fucks with the bus lanes. NOBODY.


guai lan car plate

yeah, they can bid for it. like one time i saw an audi rs4 with "rs4v8" plus something else on it(6 characters, no more, no less). damn arrogant. but then i'd do it if i can too. hahah!!!
let's see... what are my options?
pokemon... no.
pikachu.... no.
chocobo... no.
what the hell, how come all the nice names have to be 7 letters?
ok i got it.

peek-a-boo shot of the sydney tower. if you wanna see the whole thing, go wiki it or something.

st. mary's cathedral

someone(don't remember who) saw this pic and asked: who's this? the bishop?

me: it's a statue, idiot!

"arg-argh, give me that barrel!"
*chug chug chug*
"drink up me hearties yo~ho~"

i don't know what this is, but it must be important right?

a ww2 thing to commemorate their fallen commandoes
"lest we forget"

don't ask me what this is

hmm, guess it was a tuesday..

the very first jazz/fit i saw

then i heard a roaring sound, and as i turned toward it my vision narrowed. i couldn't see anything else! what's happening to me?!
after the ordeal i went online to check out the symptoms.
holy shit, he caught me taking his photo! but then he just ignored me and carried on when the light turned positive.

then mm got off work and called me.

mm: where are you?
me: er... hold on, lemme check.

i looked around for the street name...

me: ok, i'm at wynyard st.
mm: WHAT?!?!
me: wynyard street lo.
mm: you walked here?
me: ya, why?
mm: stay there, i'll be there soon.

when mm's colleagues found out they were impressed too, but then i didn't think it was that big a deal.
until i saw the distance from google maps. must have been outta my mind..

ok this one was actually taken in coogee, but then i didn't put it in. now i'm thinking that's a waste so i'm putting it here.